(Click on the game, read the controls, then press 'Z' to start)
Dhilly Game 6 is the latest and likely final entry in the Dhilly Game series, which began with Dhilly Game 1 in 2021.

It was a complicated project which began development right after Dhilly Game 5 came out in late 2021, and was completed in 2023. Unfortunately, there is a ton of spaghetti code, and hellish levels which ruin it's otherwise wonderful experience, but don't worry! A rewrite is being worked on.

As well as here, you can enjoy Dhilly Game 6 on Itch and Gamejolt.

Story and many levels were made by my friend, Stanley.

This is Dhilly Game 6 1.0. Other versions are documented on the wiki.

Dhilly Games: 1 2 3 4 5 6

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