This page lists smartwatch apps I have coded, to enquire about them, email me.

I'm making ports of these apps to other platforms, mainly just to test my development ability across them, expect more compatiblity later!

Lagtrain - A clockface based on inabakumori's song "Lagtrain". Animates on touch.

Masked Man - A clockface based on the song "As You Like It".

ok get lenned - An app that tries to replicate the "ok get lenned" gif. I've been 'lenning' people for years now and this app lets me do it in real life.

Midnight Countdown - A clockface that counts down to midnight, intended for new years.

Boykisser - A clockface that... well... yeah...

Ticket Tracker - An app intended to track hack club Arcade tickets.

Eve's Website - A simple recreation of my website's homepage.

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